
* Collared shirts tucked into trousers
* Sports hoodies allowed
* Trousers or tailored Shorts
* Socks (if worn with shorts either long or short sports socks)
* Golf Shoes only on the course (except juniors)


  • Golf shirts (which may be worn loose)
  • Sports hoodies allowed
  • Trousers, Knee length shorts, skirts or culottes
  • Sports socks or tights with golf shoes

    You must NOT wear:
  • T-shirts
  • Trainers (Does not apply to Juniors)
  • Blue Denim Jeans
  • Track Suits
  • Hats or Golf Shoes in the Clubhouse Bar Lobby or Dining-Room

    Members and guests are required to maintain a proper and tidy state of dress whilst on club premises at all times. When on the course they should wear only clothing that is safe and suitable for playing golf. What constitutes a proper and tidy state of dress or suitable for golf will be determined by the committee solely or by the professionals on their behalf. Anyone failing to comply may be asked to leave the clubhouse or course